Contest corner

(The information presented here is not complete, will be a.s.a.p...)

Here you can find the logs for the contests I have been active in. I have been active in contest at first at UHF (70cm), but later also at other bands like 23cm, 13cm and last couple of years also 2m.

I started serious SSB contesting in the year 2002, but alredy 10 years earlier I have been active in ATV-contests. From this period is only little information available as that was before the 'digital-revolution' were contest paperwork was done on paper. Nowadays, by using digital forms, it is rather easy to present the information like is done in this site.

My contesting experience mainly is focussed on the VERON VHF/UHF/SHF contests, section 'Single-Operator'. These contests run over a complete year, existing of 5 individual contest sections. There are in March, May, July  on all bands. September is for 144MHz only and in October is a 432MHz and higher contest.
All results during one specific year is calculated together and results in the overall result.

My contesting results over the past years has resulted in a 3rd place in the year 2005, 2nd place in 2006 and 1st place in 2007 and 2008.


In the above picture, the trophy's for the award winning contest-years 2005, 2006, 2007 as well as 2008 are shown.
The both 1st place trophy's for 2007 and 2008 are at the right end side.